Jenny’s letter 28th April
Dear Friends, Sometimes, writing the news sheet comes easily to me. Condensing it into something that is short enough to fit on no more than a page is usually where […]
Dear Friends, Sometimes, writing the news sheet comes easily to me. Condensing it into something that is short enough to fit on no more than a page is usually where […]
Dear Friends, In my daily prayers (currently, I use Lectio 365) we are thinking about the work of the Holy Spirit as ‘the breath of God with the power of […]
Dear Friends, I have just had an incredibly busy Saturday in the Village Centre. First, I attended the wonderful cooked breakfast which was prepared by Linda Hughes and Sue Jones, […]
Dear Friends, ‘Alleluia Christ is risen’, the minister says. ‘He is risen indeed. Alleluia’ the congregation reply. So is the response that we share on Easter day and for the […]
Sunday 24th March 9.15 am Holy Communion 11.00 am Words and Worship Monday 25th March The Centre opens weekdays 9.00 am till 2.00 pm 1.30 pm Knit and Knatter in the centre Tuesday 26th March 12-2.30 pm The Club house In the Village […]
Dear Friends, This Sunday we celebrate Palm Sunday. The Sunday on which we remember and rejoice at Jesus being welcomed triumphantly into the city of Jerusalem. It is extraordinary to reflect on the fact that a few days […]
Dear Friends, Please forgive my brevity this week. I am afraid time has been filled with many things but most specifically dad’s funeral. Andrew and I were delighted that so many of […]
Church Calendars We have some left. I am still not sure everyone knows about them. They have been reduced to £5 but if you would like to buy one for […]
Sunday 21st January 9.15 am Holy Communion11.00 am Word and Worship (no Baptism) Monday 22nd January The Centre opens every weekday 10.00 am till 2.00 pm (This week, Friday until 1pm)1.30 pm […]
Dear Friends, This week we have had the week of prayer for Christian Unity. I confess to have done very little to highlight it or to be part of it […]
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