Notices Sunday 24th March
Sunday 24th March
9.15 am Holy Communion
11.00 am Words and Worship
Monday 25th March
The Centre opens weekdays 9.00 am till 2.00 pm
1.30 pm Knit and Knatter in the centre
Tuesday 26th March
12-2.30 pm The Club house In the Village Hall
Wednesday 27th March
10.30am Holy Communion in the Centre
1.00 pm Gathering to read through Mark’s Gospel in the Centre
Thursday 28th March
No Little Church – meet on Friday at Messy Church instead
12 -2.30 pm ‘The Club House’ in the Village Hall
6.30 pm for 7.00 pm Food. Maundy Thursday Meal.
Friday 29th March
10. 00 am Messy Church in Church
1.30 -3.15 Good Friday vigil with words and music. (see below)
Saturday 30th March
9.30 am Flower Arrangers meet in church to decorate
(no expertise necessary. Come to join in, clean up, make tea…)
12.30 pm Wedding
6.00 pm Easter Vigil service and lighting of the first candle.
Sunday 31st March
9.15 am Easter Day Holy Communion
followed by breakfast and Lynne Whittaker’s retirement presentation
11.00 am Easter Day Modern Holy Communion
preceded by Lynne Whittaker’s retirement presentation