Notices Sunday 20 January
Sunday 21st January
9.15 am Holy Communion
11.00 am Word and Worship (no Baptism)
Monday 22nd January
The Centre opens every weekday 10.00 am till 2.00 pm (This week, Friday until 1pm)
1.30 pm Knit and Knatter in the centre
Tuesday 23rd January
The Club house 12-2.30 In the Village Hall. All welcome
2.00 pm Mothers’ Union in the centre
7.00 pm Fundraising Group in the Centre 7.00 pm Pre Baptism meeting
Wednesday 24th January
10.30am Holy Communion in the Centre
1.00 pm Funeral in Church for Lt. William Wilson
Thursday 25th January
10.00 am Little Church in church
12 -2.30 pm The Club House in the Village Hall All welcome
Friday 26th January
1.00 pm Centre closes
1.30 pm Funeral in Church for Lt. Jack Watts. All welcome and afterwards at the Bromborough Hotel.
Saturday 27th January
Centre Management Team meeting 10.00 am in The Centre
Sunday 28th January
9.15. am Morning Prayer
11.00 am Modern Holy Communion for The Presentation of Christ (Candlemas)