
Ecumenical Lent Talks in the Methodist Church

In addition to the House groups there will be talks and a short service given by the ministers of the churches that make up Churches Together in Bromborough and Eastham. They will be at Bromborough Methodist Church at 7.30pm on Wednesdays.

  • 12th March Saying Nothing Fr Louis Maggiore (Christ the King)
  • 19th March Saying Please Revd Louise Franklin (St David’s, URC)
  • 26th March Saying Wow Revd Beth Glover (St Mary’s, Eastham, CofE)
  • 2nd April Saying Sorry Revd Dan Woodhouse (Methodist)
  • 9th April Saying Ouch Revd Jenny Gillies (St Barnabas, Bromborough, CofE

Ecumenical Lent House Groups:

The theme this year is “TEACH US TO PRAY”, and each week considers different types of prayer. They begin next week. If you want to be part of that do let me know as there may still be time. Jenny G

Centre Volunteers

Can’t promise to be regular but would help if we were desperate?  Would you be willing to be part of a bank of volunteers who would help in the centre if you were free in order to cover a holiday or sickness? Doing this work puts you at the heart of our weekday mission. On top of that, growing the work in the centre is the primary way we have now of raising funds. Please speak to Jenny Hope or Thelma McGorry or call in the centre when it is open. 

Men’s Breakfast

Next one is 12th April in the Royal Oak. Contact Malcolm if you need a lift 07837 886962. Also meeting on 10th May. 

Chat & Craft

Fridays from 9:30-11:30am, in the Centre. A weekly ‘chat & craft’ session which is open to all. If you fancy having a go at a craft, including possibly learning a new one, or just fancy a chat, you are welcome to join them. Take your own if you have any, or they have things you can have go at, or you might just want to sit and chat with them. Just turn up or speak to Heather, Gill, Kay or Fiona for more information.

Evening Craft

Heather, Gill, Kay & Fiona are planning some evening craft activities starting in a few months’ time. If you have any suggestions for things you would like to learn how to do, please let them know. Watch this space for more information!

Churches Together 

Café Jam at St David’s church on Sunday 30th March at 6pm for 6.30pm start. Café style worship with lots of singing and cake. All are welcome.

Confirmation on 30th March at 11.00 am

Bishop Mark is coming to our church on this day to confirm those who seek it. I am aware of 2 people possibly 4. May be there are more. Not sure what it’s about? I will spend time talking with you about it and even if you are unsure and just what to find out then we can talk without compulsion to be confirmed at the end. Interested? Message or ring 07806608219 or email

Revd Richard Orton

A few of you will remember Richard who supported my predecessor David Walker with ministry in this parish. Joan Astill has been informed that he is in the final stages of cancer and is in palliative care. He would appreciate our prayers.  

Wirral South Deanery Synod 

I am not sure why but there have been no Bromborough reps at Wirral South Deanery Synod on the last two occasions. We are supposed to have 3 people and currently only have 2 anyway. What does it involve? 3 meetings a year at various locations in the Deanery. There is an automatic place on the PCC. Could this be something you would do? Speak to me, to Jenny H or Jackie. Thanks Jenny G. 

Flowers and Prosecco night – Friday 11th April at 7pm in the Centre. 

Before you men scroll on past or jump to the next notice, some of the greatest florists in the world are men. My Dad and my uncle both did a little bit of floristry. Gill Walker and I, who both have a lot of flower arranging knowledge and experience are going to share some of it with you. This is not for those who want a job with Pauline at Bromborough Flowers but we will teach you how to make a little flower arrangement to take home using 5 blooms and greenery. We will talk about how to tackle church flowers for festivals and we will laugh a lot. There will be Prosseco and nibbles, flowers and oasis provided. We will let you know what else you need to bring nearer the date. As we need to provide resources, there will be tickets required for this. Put the date in your diary.

For our Prayers:

If you know of anyone in special need of prayer, please let us know. The only stipulation is that the person MUST give their permission. 

In our parish we pray for:
Fiona and her family on the sad loss of her Brother, Simon.  
Jean Horan, Wendy Walker, David Hart, Ian Sneddon, Graham Jones, and Rod Breeze.

Our church family at home, we pray for:

  • Thelma Williams, Eddie and Hilary Griffiths, Edward Maelor, Pat Porter, Jan Harper,
    Val and Pete Jones.
  • the families and friends of the Lt. Shelagh Bradshaw, Lt. Pauline Halewood and Lt. Harry Mercer. 
  • our link Missionaries Marcio, Noemi and their children for safe travels around the UK and Europe.
  • Revd Deborah, Edna and our brothers and sisters at St Barnabas Church, Limassol

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