
Bible study Wednesday 22nd January at 1 pm

This is a new season of study. We will be looking at Luke’s Gospel as that is the one we will be reading across the year. I am looking forward to seeing you at 1.00pm in the Rectory. If you have yet to attend that’s ok – just come along, you will be welcome. There’s always tea and good biscuits too! 

Plastic tub recycling

Did you receive one of the plastic tubs of Christmas chocolates (Cadbury’s Roses, Haribo, etc) please bring the empty tub to the Centre or Church or drop off at the Royal Oak as they can be re-cycled and the money raised will go to MacMillan Cancer Care. Jenny H 

St Barnabas information WhatsApp group

Would you like to be part of the church WhatsApp information Group or the Prayer Group? Please text 07806608219 (my number) and I will add you. I can’t add you if you don’t have WhatsApp. Help is available to help anyone download that first. 

Centre Volunteers

We are desperate for new volunteers in the Centre. Can you help? Volunteers will be asked to cover 2-4 hours on at least one day by agreement. You may be asked to make food (you will receive training) and or make drinks or deal with the till or washing up and clearing tables. You will not be on your own and you will have a team leader. Doing this work puts you at the heart of our weekday mission. On top of that, growing the work in the centre is the primary way we have now of raising funds. Please speak to Jenny Hope or Thelma McGorry or call in the centre when it is open. 

Men’s Breakfast

The next meeting is on Saturday 8th February at 9.00 am in the Royal Oak. Contact Malcolm if you need a lift 07837 886962. Also meeting on 8th March and 12th April 2025.

Women of the church. What shall we do to get together? Any ideas? There is of course Ladies Fellowship and MU. But what about a regular social event that could include those who work? 

Tap 2 Give machine  

The Tap 2 Give machine in church keeps no information about the payer except the last 4 digits of the card number. If I know who these 4 digits belong to, then I can associate that donation with the person who made it, and if they are a gift aider, we can claim gift aid on the donation. So… if you have made donations on the machine at any point this year, please could you send me the last 4 digits of the card(s) you used. It will save you having to fill in a slip each time you use it. Many thanks Julie – Treasurer

About the Treasurer’s role

Could being the Church Treasurer be your calling? God has a plan for this work we are just not yet sure what it is. There are a number of smaller jobs too that you might be able to help with. Further details to follow but if you feel that God is jiggling your conscience then do talk to someone. Me, Ian Walker, Julie Watts or Thelma McGorry. Thanks Jenny (Rector)

For our Prayers

If you know of anyone in special need of prayer, please let us know. The only stipulation is that the person MUST give their permission. If you wish to join the prayer WhatsApp group please message Jenny (Rector) on 07806608219. 

In our parish we pray for:
Jean Horan, Wendy Walker, David Hart, Eddie Griffiths, Jenny Darch, Thelma’s niece Jen, Ian Sneddon, Graham Jones, Gordon Simmonds. 

Our church family at home:
Thelma Williams, Eddie and Hilary Griffiths, Mr Maelor, Pat Porter, Jan Harper, Val and Pete Jones. 

We pray for the families and friends of the Late: 
Marylyn Mello, Barbara Tharme, Jean Seal, Shelagh Bradshaw and Stephanie Griffiths

We pray for our link missionaries Marcio, Noemi and their children for
safe travels around the UK and Europe.

We pray for Revd Deborah, Edna and our brothers and sisters at St Barnabas Church, Limassol. We ask God to help us to grow this connection so that it is supportive and enlightening for both Churches. 

Let us also commit ourselves to pray for commitment to the cease fire between Israel and Hamas that will enable the release of people back to their families on both sides. Lord have mercy.

The Rector Jenny can be contacted at or
via her mobile 07806608219

Please send notices for inclusion in the Newsletter to by Wednesday at 4pm. Both Ros and I have access to this address so please don’t send lots of extra emails. Please put the date you wish it to be included in the subject of the email

One Reply to “Notices”

  1. Trish Eagleson

    Hello, I am in Canada and came across this posting quite by accident.
    I am a cousin of Hilary Griffith. My mother Marjorie (Ralph) was sister to Fran (Bill).
    I met Hilary, Eddie and 3 boys many years ago, in fact tho older 2 boys, Alan and David (?) visited with my family in Canada.
    I recall spending time with her sister Barbara on a return visit to England.
    I read that prayers are being sent to Hilary and Eddie and would like at send mine too. I wish them good health.
    Please convey this note to them.
    Thank you

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