This Sunday 5th January Parish Lunch
Please join us this month in the Royal Oak for our monthly lunch. Carol Jones books the tables, we sit together, you get to choose your own lunch and pay for it. Can’t afford it? Talk to Jenny G. We are committed to making it possible for anyone who wants to come to be able to do that. Forgot to sign up? No problem, just come – there will be a space.
Christmas tree take down – Thanks
This happened on Saturday 4th. It is an even more difficult job than putting the trees up. Our grateful thanks to Natalie Galluzzo (was Friel), Neil and Lyndsay Mitchelson, Andrew, Ian W, Phil Spencer, Malcolm, Ken and Trevor, Lee and Jane Cavanagh, Jenny Hope for food and anyone else who was there and I have not noted. Trees will be chipped next week. Thanks to Phil Spencer for arranging that.
Bible Study starting Wednesday 8th January
This is a new season of study. We will be looking at Luke’s Gospel as that is the one we will be reading across the year.
Tap 2 Give machine
The Tap 2 Give machine in church keeps no information about the payer except the last 4 digits of the card number. If I know who these 4 digits belong to, then I can associate that donation with the person who made it, and if they are a gift aider, we can claim gift aid on the donation. So… if you have made donations on the machine at any point this year, please could you send me the last 4 digits of the card(s) you used. It will save you having to fill in a slip each time you use it. Many thanks Julie – Treasurer
The Rota and Church events
Several people seem unaware of where to read the rota we use on Sundays. You will find a copy at the back of church or on the website here. If you are not sure how to find it speak to Andrew or to one of the wardens and you will be helped. It is really very easy to find. We will shortly be planning this year’s diary too. The Calendar also appears on the website. If you wish to add to it, please let us know Andrew Watts via
About the Treasurer’s role
We will be looking to fill the treasurer’s role in the new year. There are all sorts of possibilities in the heads of Ian and I with regard to making this work. Ironically, the person does not have to be good at sums nor do they need to attend church. I think we need someone who can lead a team of people who each have individual roles. If you feel God is in any way prompting you about this please talk to myself, Ian Walker, Julie Watts or Thelma McGorry. Thanks Jenny (Rector)
For our Prayers
If you know of anyone in special need of prayer, please let us know. The only stipulation is that the person MUST give their permission. If you wish to join the prayer WhatsApp group please message Jenny (Rector) on 07806608219.
In our parish we pray for:
Jean Horan, Wendy Walker, David Hart, Eddie Griffiths, Jenny Darch, Ian Sneddon, Graham Smith.
Our church family at home:
Thelma Williams, Eddie and Hilary Griffiths, Mr Maelor, Pat Porter, Jan Harper, Val and Pete Jones.
We pray for the families and friends of the Late:
Marylyn Mello, Barbara Tharme, Jean Seal
We pray for our link missionaries Marcio, Noemi, and their children, for safe travels around the UK and Europe.
We pray for Revd Deborah, Edna and our brothers and sisters at St Barnabas Church, Limassol. We ask God to help us to grow this connection so that it is supportive and enlightening for both Churches.