What’s on this week

Harvest Offering

The Harvest monetary offering will be for our CMS link Mission Partners. You can tap to give in church, put a cheque in an envelope in the collection or put cash into a plate at the centre lunch. If you would like to give food then tins and dry food welcome. It will be part of our own feeding project.

Legacy from Jeanette Auld

Some of you will remember Jeanette. I always felt that I had met with Jesus when I spent time with her. She wasn’t perfect but she was humble. She was always open to learning and a true disciple of Christ. She was excited by any visits we made to her and those of us who went always felt better after. This week we learnt that she had left us £7,000 in her will. She was not a wealthy woman. We have been truly blessed through her gift.

Ladies Fellowship – Tuesday 1st October

7.30pm in the Centre.
This month Gavin Hastings is going to talk about the history of hospitals on the Wirral.

Parish Lunch on Sunday 6th October

The parish lunch at The Royal Oak will take place as usual on Sunday 6th October. This is in addition to the Harvest lunch being offered in the café the week before. There is a sign-up sheet at the back of church. It’s not essential you sign but it does help us to reserve enough tables for everyone.

Saturday 5th October 

Ladies Day at St. David’s United Reformed Church, Eastham, CH62 9DG.
10.00 am – 3.00 pm A day of creative Worship and Praise. Bring your lunch, desserts and fruit will be provided. Cost of the day is £5 and the donation of an item for the Wirral Foodbank. Contact Judith on jb.hill26@outlook.com or 07845266831 to book your place.

Evensong- Saturday 5th October at 5.30pm
The Barnabas Consort led by our very own Andrew Watts will sing evensong. It is so beautiful to hear.Do come and be a part of it.

Sunday 6th October 6.30 pm Churches Together Bromborough & Eastham.

All are invited to a Harvest Service at Bromborough Methodist Church. St Mary’s Choir will lead the singing, Service led by Peter Colyer.

Messy Church Tuesday 8th October

Please sign up to help on the table at the back of church. Volunteers always needed.

Can you count money? Help still needed. 

You don’t have to worship with us regularly or at all. We need counters for Sunday after Church and on Mondays. It isn’t every week but at the moment there are some people doing most services or Mondays.

Correction from last week.

Last week, one or two of you correctly pointed out that when we speak about the sound of bells it is the spelling ‘peal’ rather than peel which is the name we give to the stuff on the outside of apples and oranges etc. I would like to blame the computer but in truth I didn’t notice that the error was there.

Our Scout Group, the13th Bebington, will be 70 on
Saturday 19th October

An afternoon tea and funday will be held on that day. All past members and family are welcome to join the celebrations. To book tickets (it’s a free event) email 70thbirthday@13thBebingtonscoutgroup.org.uk Please share this with family members who may have belonged to the Group in the last 70 years. There will be a celebration Service for the Scouts in Church on Sunday 20th September at 11.00 am.

Gift Aid Forms

Some of us need to refresh our Gift Aid Declaration Forms.

What is one of those?
The form is a declaration that you are a tax payer and that you give St Barnabas permission to claim an extra 25% (an extra £25 on a donation of £100) on any donations you give. 

How do I know if I am a UK tax payer?
You are a UK tax payer if tax is taken from your wages or pension before you receive them. 

A point to note: If you pay only a small amount of tax over the year, the amount of Gift Aid claimed on any donations must not exceed the tax you paid. For example, if you donated £1000 over the year, and £250 was claimed in Gift Aid, then you must have paid at least £250 in tax over the same tax year.

Why are we updating the forms?
Some of the older forms don’t have a date on them, and in some cases date back to 2011 so it is about time we refreshed them.

Find your form
Please look on the table at the back of church for a Gift Aid Declaration form with your name on it. (Not everyone needs to do a new form.) Please complete the form, pop it into the envelope that is with it. Then hand it to Julie Watts, one of the wardens, or ask somebody in the centre to pop it through the Parish office hatch.

Many thanks, Julie Watts,Treasurer.

For our Prayers

If you know of anyone in special need of prayer, please let us know. The only stipulation is that the person MUST give their permission.

In our parish we pray for: Craig Dillon, David Hart, Cynthia Prandle, Gordon Simmonds and Anne Ellis.

Our church family at home, Josie Davies, Thelma Williams, Eddie and Hilary Griffiths, Mr Maelor, Pat Porter, Jan Harper, Barbara Tharme and Val and Pete Jones,

We pray for the families and friends of the Lt. Rita Whatling, Lt. Frank Fulton, Lt. Jill Gunn

We pray for our link Missionaries Marcio, Noemi and their children and thank God for the work that they are doing in Indaiatuba.

We pray for Revd Deborah and our brothers and sisters at St Barnabas Church, Limassol.

Donate to St Barnabas as you shop online!

With Christmas coming it’s a great chance for you to help raise money for church. Sign up with GiveAsYouLive.com and choose ‘PCC of St Barnabas, Bromborough’ as your chosen charity. It costs you the same amount as buying without the ‘Give as you live’ portal but it makes money for church.

The Rector Jenny can be contacted at rector@stbarnabasbromborough.org or via her mobile 07806608219

Please send notices for inclusion in the Newsletter to ros.wood@outlook.com by Wednesday at 4pm.

Please put Newsletter and date you wish it to be included in the subject of the email

Find us on Facebook www.facebook.com/stbarnabasbromborough and on our website www.stbarnabasbromborough.org

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