What’s on this week

Sunday 8th September

The Centre is open Monday-Friday 9.00 am –2.00 pm

Monday 9th September 

1.30 pm Knit and Natter in the Centre

Tuesday 10th September 

9.30 am – noon Caritas drop-in in the Centre. All welcome for a drink and a chat.
3.30 – 5.00 pm Messy Church in the Centre
7.00 pm – 8.30 pm ‘Safeguarding Vulnerable Adults’
A session in the Centre for All PCC, team leaders and centre volunteers.

Wednesday 11th September

10.30 am Holy Communion in the Centre
1.00 pm Bible Study at The Rectory

Thursday 12th September

10.00 am Little Church meet in Church
7.00 pm Finance Team meeting in The Centre

Friday 13th September

10.00 am Funeral for Lt. Frank Fulton

Saturday 14th September

9.00 Men’s breakfast at The Royal Oak, Bromborough
10.00 am Brass Cleaning in Church – all are welcome

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