
Safeguarding Vulnerable Adults

7.00pm on Tuesday 11th September.
This is for:

  • all PCC members, 
  • Team leaders, 
  • those in ministry, 
  • Centre Volunteers. 

I cannot make you attend but it is important. 
We welcome Lynn Everton, the Deputy Diocesan Safeguarding Officer for Chester Diocese, who will lead this session. 
If you would like to eat in the centre beforehand there will be a group of us. You are welcome to join but please let Jenny Hope know by the end of Monday 10th September.

Mothers’ Union

Will meet in the Centre on Tuesday 17th September at 2.00 pm

Finance team

Finance team meeting is on Thursday 13th September at 7.00 pm at Jenny Hope’s residence – not the Centre.

PCC meeting

Thursday 20th September 7.00 pm PCC meet in the Centre.

Macmillan Coffee Morning

On Friday 27 September the Annual MacMillan Coffee Morning & Bring and Buy sale will be held in the Centre 9.30am -10.00 am. Cakes and other donations for the Bring and Buy table will be very welcome also volunteers to look after the stall. Names to Jenny Hope please.

Harvest Flowers: Sunday 29th September

This year we hope to decorate the window-sills as well as the altar with fresh flowers. If you would like to do this please give your name to Jenny Hope – no experience necessary we will give you help, everyone is welcome. We need new volunteers. Donations towards the cost of the flowers will be very welcome please put in an envelope marked Church Flowers. There will be a Harvest Flowers page on the tap to give machine.

Evensong – Saturday 5th October at 5.30pm

The Barnabas Consort, led by our very own Andrew Watts, will sing evensong on Saturday 5th. It is so beautiful to hear. Do come and be a part of it. Canticles and anthem will both be by SS Wesley and will include his renowned ‘Ascribe unto the Lord’.

Churches Together Bromborough & Eastham 

Sunday 6th October 6.30 pm.

All are invited to a Harvest Service at Bromborough Methodist Church, St Mary’s Choir will lead the singing, Service led by Peter Colyer.

Church snacks

Do you have a sweet tooth? Most people do – please help us to indulge them and sign up for the cake and refreshments rota. If you prefer to do so, please feel free to make a monetary donation, see Fiona. Thank you.

Our Scout Group, the13th Bebington, will be 70 on Sunday 19th October 

An afternoon tea and fun day will be held on that day. All past members  and family are welcome to join the celebrations. To book tickets (it’s a free event) email

Please share this with family members who may have belonged to the Group in the last 70 years.

Gift Aid Forms

Some of us need to refresh our Gift Aid Declaration Forms.

What is one of those?
The form is a declaration that you are a tax payer and that you give St Barnabas permission to claim an extra 25percent (an extra £25 on a donation of £100) on any donations you give.

How do I know if I am a UK tax payer?
You are a UK tax payer if tax is taken from your wages or pension before you receive them.

A point to note: If you pay only a small amount of tax over the year, the amount of Gift Aid claimed on any donations must not exceed the tax you paid. 
For example, if you donated £1000 over the year, and £250 was claimed in Gift Aid, then you must have paid at least £250 in tax over the same tax year.

Why are we updating the forms?
Some of the older forms don’t have a date on them, and in some cases date back to 2011 so it is about time we refreshed them.

Find your form
Please look on the table at the back of church for a Gift Aid Declaration form with your name on it. (Not everyone needs to do a new form.)
Please complete the form, pop it into the envelope that is with it. Then hand it to Julie Watts, one of the wardens, or ask somebody in the centre to pop it through the Parish office hatch.

Many thanks, Julie Watts, Treasurer.

For our Prayers

If you know of anyone in special need of prayer, please let us know. The only stipulation is that the person MUST give their permission.
In our parish we pray for:
Jean Horan; Wendy Walker; Craig Dillon; and David Hart.
Our church family at home,
Josie Davies; Thelma Williams; Eddie and Hilary Griffiths; Mr Maelor; Pat Porter; Jan Harper; Barbara Tharme; and Val and Pete Jones;
We also pray for:

  • the families and friends of the Lt. Rita Whatling, Lt. Frank Fulton, Lt. Jill Gunn
  • our link Missionaries Marcio, Noemi and their children and thank God for the work that they are doing in Indaiatuba;
  • Revd Deborah and our brothers and sisters at St Barnabas Church, Limassol.

Donate to St Barnabas as you shop online!

Sign up with and choose ‘PCC of St Barnabas, Bromborough’ as your chosen charity.

The Rector Jenny can be contacted at or via her mobile 07806608219.

Please send notices for inclusion in the Newsletter to  by Wednesday at 4pm.

Find us on Facebook and on our website

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